
Off to Virtual Work and Class We Go

April 13, 2020

By Ruth Greene-McNally, OMAA Curator and Collections Manager

It’s Monday — off to virtual work and class we go. And meanwhile, fishermen and women, farmers, grocers, healthcare providers, restauranteurs, and delivery folk are heading out from their homes to provide essential services. Schoolchildren and college students, foregoing their usual haunts, are acing their studies online. Here we share a photo of Charles Woodbury and son David (holding toddler-exempt status from class), re-emerging from history to bid you a good day.

Charles Woodbury’s “Untitled” (Glouchester Beach) is a recent acquisition to the OMAA collection. The photos are from the Woodbury Family’s Blackbook, a compilation of images, class rosters, articles, and correspondence. Ever the stalwart educator, Woodbury is pictured carrying his easel over his head to a site where he will instruct students on location. A loyal cadre of “Pine Hill Girls” follow in formation.

Given today’s weather, might it not be a good day to change up your pencil status, grab some drawing paper, paint, brushes, and a palette?

Unidentified Photographer
Charles and David Woodbury
c. 1900
From the Woodbury Blackbook
Courtesy of Peter Woodbury


Charles Woodbury (1864-1940)
Untitled (Gloucester Beach)
Oil on canvas
12 x 18 in.
Gift of Susan Ireland, 2019


Unidentified Photographer
Early Class
c. 1900
Courtesy of Peter Woodbury


Unidentified Photographer
Charles Woodbury Painting Instruction
c. 1900
Courtesy of Peter Woodbury





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