Chaise Gabion
Made of brushed stainless steel, Chair for Mining Chromium is a commonplace object with a complex story. Simultaneously productive and destructive, the act of mining involves the extraction of valuable minerals from the earth as it simultaneously leaves behind harmful residues and unpredictable outcomes. The social and economic functions of mining, as well as the geological and geographical origins of metals, span human history and the globe. As a functional object, a chair is an aid to work or rest, an architectural and technological object. In academia, a chair denotes a position of distinction. The “chair” is both a leadership role and office held. Sited on ledge overlooking the water’s edge at Narrow Cove, Chair for Mining Chromium presents a unique opportunity to ponder the geological and global histories associated with the view.
Chair for Mining Chromium
Made of brushed stainless steel, Chair for Mining Chromium is a commonplace object with a complex story. Simultaneously productive and destructive, the act of mining involves the extraction of valuable minerals from the earth as it simultaneously leaves behind harmful residues and unpredictable outcomes. The social and economic functions of mining, as well as the geological and geographical origins of metals, span human history and the globe. As a functional object, a chair is an aid to work or rest, an architectural and technological object. In academia, a chair denotes a position of distinction. The “chair” is both a leadership role and office held. Sited on ledge overlooking the water’s edge at Narrow Cove, Chair for Mining Chromium presents a unique opportunity to ponder the geological and global histories associated with the view.
Join us for a Totally Tuesday Talk with Celeste Roberge on July 20, 2021, 5pm – 6pm ZOOM LINK